Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So, as you know, because you're totally alert to life, it's January--the beginning of a new year and a new decade. This makes for an incredibly exciting time, and, for me, at least, promotes a degree of reflection that has caused me to create this blog.

Now, nobody should assume that I really think anything I have to say is particularly noteworthy, but, like you, I can't help noticing things. And some of these things make perfect sense to me; however, other things defy reason, in my mind anyway.

Those will be the primary focus of this occasional blog shared to allow me to clear the inexplicable, those imponderables that might otherwise overshadow daily life and distract me unnecessarily, from my mind. I suppose I hold out hope that writing about these things will free me and provide some additonal coping strategies from the influence of what simply doesn't make sense to me in the world; in short, a response, when faced with a baffling experience, other than uttering "THAT'S WHACK!"


  1. You go girl! I love the premise and look forward to more.

  2. Just so we are clear 2010 is actually the last year of the previous decade... But wut ev! =-]

  3. Okay, Miss E Friend, then, according to your example, the '80's didn't officially begin until 1981? Fer sure, like, that's so weird; I'm totally gonna have to, like, get a new math book or something.
